
§ 230.02  Patronizing a person for prostitution; definitions.
  1.  A person patronizes a person for prostitution when:
  (a)   Pursuant  to a prior understanding, he pays a fee to another person
as compensation for such person or a third person having engaged in  sexual
conduct with him; or
  (b)   He  pays  or  agrees  to pay a fee to another person pursuant to an
understanding that in return therefor such person or a  third  person  will
engage in sexual conduct with him; or
  (c)   He  solicits or requests another person to engage in sexual conduct
with him in return for a fee.
  2.   As used in this article, "person who is patronized" means the person
with whom the defendant engaged in sexual conduct or was to have engaged in
sexual  conduct  pursuant  to  the  understanding,  or  the  person who was
solicited or requested by the defendant to engage in sexual conduct.