Penal Law Article 170
: Forgery; definitions of terms
170.05: Forgery in the third degree
170.10: Forgery in the second degree
170.15: Forgery in the first degree
170.20: Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the third degree
170.25: Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree
: Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree; presumption
170.30: Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree
: Criminal possession of a forged instrument; no defense
170.40: Criminal possession of forgery devices
170.45: Criminal simulation
170.47: Criminal possession of an anti-security item
: Unlawfully using slugs; definitions of terms
170.55: Unlawfully using slugs in the second degree
170.60: Unlawfully using slugs in the first degree
170.65: Forgery of a vehicle identification number
170.70: Illegal possession of a vehicle identification number
: Illegal possession of a vehicle identification number; presumptions
170.75: Fraudulent making of an electronic access device in the second degree